Every year, thousands of students around the globe come to the 'UV Gullas College of Medicine' to pursue their goal of becoming a well established doctor. Situated in Cebu City of Philippines, UV Gullas Medical College offers the best medical education to international students at an affordable fee. Students from India, especially south India come to Philippines for higher studies. The facilities provided by UV Gullas College of Medicine attract plenty of Indian students. As the college already have an impressive number of Indian students it provides Indian food and has a welcoming gesture for the Indian students



UV Gullas College of Medicine offers an outstanding medical degree that is recognized all around the world. UV Gullas College of Medicine is committed to preparing students to dominate the modern-day medical challenges across the globe. UV Gullas Medical college has faith in giving every student an establishment in biomedical sciences and medical encounters through cutting-edge advancements and teaching methods.


  • English is the main language. No requirement for learning a new language
  • More practical exposure to students to gain better clinical know ledge.
  • Philippines medical colleges follow US educational system of MBBS program that is globally recognized, also students will have the credit transfer options to continue study medicine in America.
  • Affordable fee amounts: MBBS in Philippines Save 80% of Indian Fees to be paid at Private Colleges. Tuition Fee for Studies can be paid on part-payment in few universities in Philippines
  • To return to India for practicing medicine, you must clear the MCI screening test. Philippines universities offers MCI coaching and periodic mock.
  • Easy to adopt lifestyle and optimal cost of living.
  • No extreme climate , Similar weather Condition like India the biggest reason that students prefer to study MBBS in Philippines, they could be safe with the health conditions no hailing to any changes.


  • 1 out of every 10 doctors practicing in America is medical graduates from Philippines.
  • Philippines exports maximum number of medical graduates in the world.
  • M BBS in Philippines comes with a great cultural diversity in the college campus
  • A lot of parents from India believes that Philippines is one of the best education destination for their children to Study MBBS, as it offers quality medical education that comes with lot of benefits ...
  • M BBS in Philippines is most cost effective. Tuition fee is at affordable rate and being paid on installment basis. Affordable living and accommodation expenses.
  • M BBS in Philippines prepares you for the USM LE (United States Medical Licensing Examination).Almost 100% of the students graduate in Philippines passed the Board Examination in their home country
  • Modern teaching techniques and superior quality medical education combined with world class amenities.Internationally recognized Medical colleges w hich are listed in World Health
  • Organization (WHO) and supported by foreign medical graduate council. MBBS in Philippines follows the US education system thus students will have the credit transfer options to continue study medicine in America.
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